
Ever want to build a shell army? What about Endpoint Security? What about Anti-malware? Are these really as effective as the user believes? Let’s explore this topic… There is no product on the market that will 100% protect you from ...
Sandbox Stories : Flight of the Great Cuckoo Bird

Recently I had the chance to deploy a Cuckoo Sandbox System… OMG! This was a pure tale of madness. While in the end I won, the journey was filled with peril… Much Peril… Forget it… It’s too perilous… While I ...

In order to get the fix my ever increase for knowledge calls for I decided to add a malware lab to my development box. The development box is setup to run the tools of my trade which includes a web ...
Veil-Evasion is a tool designed to generate metasploit payloads that bypass common anti-virus solutions.

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